This Isn't the 1930s. It's Worse.

Many fear that it’s like the 1930s when the Jewish myth of assimilation was shattered, when age-old ignorance and hatred resurfaced, a precursor to the murder of six million Jews.


It isn’t. It’s worse. In the mid-1930s, the sleeping curse was awakening in Germany alone. Today, Jews are afraid in Australia, South Africa, all over Europe, as the useful idiots march, curse and verbally and sometimes physically abuse innocent Jews, in the name of protecting Palestinians. It’s always in the name of something. As someone wrote, antisemitism is a light sleeper.

Today, everywhere, Jews ask themselves the generational question: Where can we be safe? Where do they not hate us?

Ed Morrissey

In case you don't recognize the name, Martin Fletcher was practically a household name as a longtime NBC News reporter. He ran their Mideast desk out of Tel Aviv for many years. This is a very compelling essay that should be read in full. I'd love to have a conversation with him about what he thinks of American media coverage of this and of the war with Hamas. 

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