America's Employers to Activist Employees: STFU and Work

Go figure, America’s companies want their employees to do the actual job that they were hired to do, and not to relive their glory days as a campus activist on the company’s dime.


See, pal, if you really have a problem with your company’s business ties to Israel, you can make your case to the boss, and if the boss says no, you can either accept it or resign. You don’t get to turn your workplace into your old college campus and hold a sit-in. If you want to advance the agenda of the Council on American–Islamic Relations – you know, the guys who cheered on the Hamas massacres – then go apply for a job with CAIR.

Ed Morrissey

Jim's referring to a WSJ article from the weekend in which they reported that employers have found their collective gonads after doing a Google search. Jim goes on to argue that the decision by Google (and the NYT after the staff uprising over detransitioner coverage) have discredited a couple of indulgent schools of thought about how workers should feel about the workplace. Basecamp set the tone in 2021, though. These folks are late to the party, but at least they seem to have arrived. 

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