Time For Another Lecture From Our Betters on Islamophobia

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

I am deeply concerned that we haven't condemned Islamophobia in the past ten or so minutes. It is long past time we confronted the plague of hate being directed at our Muslim brothers and sisters. 


Well, brothers, at least. The sisters should stay at home unless a male is escorting them in their burkhas. 

The West is flooded with Islamophobes marching in the streets, spray-painting red crescents on homes and businesses to identify Muslims for harassment, and I fear that any moment, encampments will spring up in which angry hoards of students will demand that Muslims decolonize North Africa and all the other places they invaded to convert people forcibly. 

Turkey, for instance, used to be the Eastern Roman Empire and was run by Orthodox Christians. What if Islamophobes demand decolonization? What if all the conquered territories get liberated? 

I am reliably told that Islamic students on college campuses feel unsafe, with the encampments beset by banana-wielding counter-protesters.  

I am deeply concerned that we haven't heard enough about the vitally important Biden strategy to combat Islamophobia. There are still a few women in the encampments who have taken over the quads of our universities who are not using keffiyehs as hijabs. 

Why is there so much focus on a few incidents in which Jews have been assaulted, harassed, threatened with murder, and other minor inconveniences? 


It's always about the Jews! What about all those protests out there targeting Muslims? 

That's why it's so important that there be a final solution to the Jewish problem, and thank Allah that so many students are looking for one. Until there is a final solution, Islamophobia will plague America and the world. 

Islamists were big fans of the previous attempt to create a final solution, but nooooo... Islamophobes in the West prevented the alliance between Hitler and the Grand Mufti from succeeding. 

If only there weren't so many Islamophobes in the 1940s, this problem would never have arisen! 

Still, Islamists are committed to bringing all of us into the light of Allah's love and will bring the wonders of Sharia law about as soon as they are able. 

We should be grateful! But instead, there are dozens of people standing in the way of Islamists and their Hamas evangelists. 

There will be no peace in our countries until the Jews are sent back to Poland or something, and Sharia rules the world. 

It is good to see that some politicians still have their eye on the ball and realize that the real problem in America is the blossoming hatred of Muslims. Bernie Sanders, for one, wants to ensure that we focus on how evil Israel is and how threatened Muslims are in the West. 


Every college and university has expressed equal concern about antisemitism and islamophobia, which seems terribly unfair. After all, when was the last time you saw an Islamic person wielding an assault banana? It happened at Columbia when a Zionist openly ate a banana in front of a crowd!

I, for one, think it is long past time that Biden quits talking about curing cancer and eliminating junk fees and focus on America's real problem. 

 Banana-wielding zionists. 

Don't trust me. Trust the Ayatollah:

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David Strom 7:00 AM | May 18, 2024